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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Creative Mind: The Power of Consciousness


We are not awake
We are mere passengers watching life flash by on a fast train.
Is this what you really want?
To be fully conscious is to live creatively, but how to achieve this? How can we wake up, be fully aware of the preciousness of each day and the opportunity it provides to create beyond ourselves?

Michael Eldridge and Anthony Rogers take you through the labrynths and unchartered waters of the creative mind and land you safely on the shores of the realm of creativity, where past and future dissolve in the timelessness of presence.
Here we paint, write Haiku, tell stories; make the whole arena a living sculpture, an expression of our energy and witness the wonderful flowering of our imagination

Painting by Duncan Campbell who writes this about his experience of The Creative Mind Retreat...

                                      The pines of Casa Faustina

Our venue in the beautiful mountains of Saint Francis is the perfect place for our adventures. It provides us with the calm and energy we need to dive head first into that parallel world which has always been there waiting for us: one of clarity, wellbeing and purpose. And to wake up in the morning on this cool, pined covered hillside at Casa Faustina is like waking to a new day dawning in your life.

                                     Delicious food by Chef Sara

Painting, Poetry, Tai Chi, Longevity and many other things yet to discover about ourselves. And of course exquisite Italian food in the friendly and tranquil atmosphere of Casa Faustina, Assisi, July 29 to Aug 2. 

Michael at Starstone

To write to Michael, click here

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